Logo SoCRocket

Transaction-Level Modeling Framework for Space Applications

Configuration Wizard

The SoCRocket configuration wizard can be used to generate and reconfigure system simulations. The tool can be started with following command:

./waf generate

The wizard offers a dialog, which allows the user to select a template and a configuration, or create a new configuration for an existing template. All parameters of the template will be displayed in an input mask.

Figure 1 - Configuration Wizard

The configurations created by the wizard can be copied and then modified with a simple text editor, due to the fact that they are pure JSON files. The tools get_json_attr and set_json_attr can help to modify them for example in automated design space explorations.

Change Attributes:

./tools/set_json_attr templates/leon3mp.singlecore.json conf.system.ncpu=2 > templates/leon3.dualcore.json

To navigate through a file use get_json_attr:

./tools/get_json_attr templates/leon3mp.json conf

*(Will show all attributes in conf)*

More detailed information about the SoCRocket configuration wizard can be found in RD10.