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Transaction-Level Modeling Framework for Space Applications

AHBProf - AHB SystemC Profiler

Table of Contents


The AHBPROF model provides profiling functionality for the simulator. This class inherits from the classes AHBSlave and CLKDevice. Like AHBIn and AHBOut it has no VHDL reference in the GRLIB hardware library.

The model creates several registers which are accessible from the simulator by software. The registers are used to control an internal mechanism for measuring SystemC time and real execution time. The registers can be written with following control values:

All control registers are considered to be 32bit wide. Register 255 has a special purpose and is reserved for shutting down the simulation.


This component provides the typical AHB Slave generics refactored as constructor parameters of the class AHBProf. An overview about the available parameters is given in table 44.

Table 44 - AHBOUT Constructor Parameters
nmSystemC name of the module
indexThe AHB slave bus index
addrThe 12bit MSB address at the AHB bus
maskThe 12bit address mask for the AHB bus
ambaLayerCoding style/abstraction of the model (LT or AT)

Example Instantiation

This example shows how to instantiate the module AHBPROF. In line 900 the constructor is called to create the new object. In line 908 the module is connected to the bus and in the next line the clock is set.

AHBProf *ahbprof = new AHBProf("ahbprof",
p_ahbprof_index, // index
p_ahbprof_addr, // paddr
p_ahbprof_mask, // pmask
// Connecting APB Slave