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Transaction-Level Modeling Framework for Space Applications

Modeling Concepts

Table of Contents

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In this chapter we describe the underlying modeling concepts of the library. This comprises coding style/abstraction, as well as common base classes and modeling techniques. The goal is to enable the user to extend the library by developing and integrating own modules.

Coding Style

The simulation models of the library are developed in SystemC language and build on the OSCI TLM2.0 standard. Like any TL model they abstract from cycle-timed accuracy by modeling communication in form of function calls. Depending on the use case this can be done in many different ways. The general aim is to save simulation time by sacrificing a certain amount of timing accuracy. Moreover, TL simulations usually give the user a bigger amount of leeway, compared to RTL.

Two major use cases are covered: software development and architecture exploration. Consequently, all IPs of the library support loosely timed (LT) and approximately timed (AT) abstraction. The abstraction layer is selected using constructor parameters.

Loosely Timed (LT)

The LT configuration of the simulation models is intendend for fast address-accurate simulation (SW development). Communication is modeled using blocking function calls and as little synchronization with the SystemC kernel as possible. Respectively, independent of the protocol, each data transmission completes in a single call to the TLM transport interface. The master stalls/blocks during the call. All involved transfer or target components increment the delay counter, which is carried along the payload. After return of control from the slave, the master may or may not consume the annotated delay. To reduce context switching the master is allowed to run ahead of time and to accumulate the delay of multiple transactions. LT models are supposed to provide ‘just enough’ timing accuracy to allow an operating system to boot.

Approximately Timed (AT)

The AT configuration of the simulation models is intendend for architecture exploration. To provide the required accuracy it models selected features of the involved communication protocols. This mainly relates to the pipelined nature of AHB. In the AHB protocol the data phase of a request and the address phase of a succeeding request may overlap. Ignoring this fact in simulations leads to large timing deviations. Nevertheless, the AT abstraction of the IPs in this library do not model the AHB protocol in a cycle-accurate way. The AT mode is supposed to provide a reasonable speedup over RTL simulation, while still being accurate enough to facilitate architectural decisions. This is achieved by describing all kinds of AHB transfers using four TLM phases (Table 4):

Table 4 - AT Phase AHB Protocol
Read OperationWrite Operation
Begin of AHB address phasetlm::BEGIN_REQ (Master → Slave)tlm::BEGIN_REQ (Master → Slave)
End of AHB address phase (incl. arbitration)tlm::END_REQ (Slave → Master)tlm::END_REQ (Slave → Master)
Begin of AHB data phasetlm::BEGIN_RESP (Slave → Master)amba::BEGIN_DATA (Master → Slave)
End of AHB data phasetlm::END_REQ (Master → Slave)amba::END_DATA (Slave → Master)

More information about the AT abstraction can be found in the respective section of the model descriptions (e.g. AHBCtrl, MCTRL, mmu_cache) and in Interconnect Methodology.

Library base classes

This section can be found here: Library base classes

TLM Signal Communication Kit

This section can be found here: signalkit_doc

Memory mapped registers

sr registers are used to model memory mapped registers throughout the library. They are based on sc registers from Cadence and implement the full scireg interface. Moreover the register creation is more flexible and runtime dynamic than in sc registers. The register creation is modeled after the GreenLib way. Since almost every model requires a set of control registers, this unified scheme yields a high productivity gain. The following steps are required to define a register:

  1. Include the sr_register header file.
  2. Instantiate a register bank in your device device
  3. Create the socket the register is going to be connected to.
  4. In the constructor of the module – initialize register bank and the socket. The initialization of the socket requires this pointer along the address settings for the bank as input arguments.
    // This will create a register bank
    my_sock(„sock“, r, start address, end address, protocol (e.g. amba::amba_APB), abstraction (e.g. amba::amba_LT), false)
  5. Create a register within the new memory bank. Register handler functions for register event.
    void init_registers() {
    // New register in bank r at bank address + offset
    r.create_register(name, description, offset, initial value, write mask)
    .callback(SR_POST_WRITE, Object, &Class::my_handler);
  6. In this example the handler will be called after completion of a write operation (POST_WRITE). The signature of the handler function is void:
    void &Class::my_handler()

In the SoCRocket library this accounts for all IPs containing an APB slave interface (e.g. MCTRL, IRQMP, GPTimer, SoCWire.

Power Modeling

The SoCRocket library provides methods and tools for transaction level power estimation. All information on this topic has been summoned in the SoCRocket Power Modeling Report [RD11].

where is the power modeling report?

RTL Co-Simulation Transactors

The library provides a set of RTL co-simulation transactors, which have been developed to facilitate the verification of the simulation IP. These transactors may also be used as a starting point for integrating other, third party, RTL IP in the system.

Regarding the AMBA interconnect the library provides 6 different TLM interfaces. It can be distinguished between master and slave components, AHB and APB components as well as bus and non-bus components.

In general it has to be kept in mind that in AHB systems the communication protocols between master/bus, and bus/slave are different. This is reflected by the collection of transactors.

All type definitions for conversion between RTL and SystemC are summarized in the header file ahb_adapter_types.h.

does ahb_adapter_types.h still exist?

AHB RTL Bus → TLM Slave

Files: ahb_rtlbus_tlmslave_transactor.{h,cpp}

The RTL Bus → TLM Slave transactor allows the GRLIB RTL AHBCTRL to be connected to SoCRocket AHB TLM Slaves. Within the library it is used in all co-simulation testbenches of the AHBCTRL IP.

Table 5 - RTL Bus to TLM Slave transactor
Socket nameTypeDescription
ahbOUTamba_master_socketBind to AHB TLM Slave
ahb_slv_insc_in<ahb_slv_in_type>RTL input signals from slave to bus
ahb_slv_outsc_out<ahb_slv_out_type>RTL output signals from bus to slave
hirqisignal<bool>::infieldIRQ signals from slave to bus
hirqosignal<bool>::selectorIRQ signals from bus to slave

AHB RTL Master → TLM Bus

Files: ahb_rtlmaster_tlmbus_transactor.{h,cpp}

The RTL Master → TLM Bus transactor allows an AHB RTL master to be connected to the SoCRocket AHBCTRL IP. Within the library it is used in all co-simulation testbenches of the MMU_CACHE model.

Table 6 - AHB RTL Master to TLM Bus transactor
Socket nameTypeDescription
ahbOUTamba_master_socketBind to TLM AHBCTRL
ahb_mst_insc_out<ahb_master_in_type>RTL output signals from bus to master
ahb_mst_outsc_in<ahb_master_out_type>RTL input signals from master to bus
hirqisignal<bool>::infieldIRQ signals from master to bus
hirqosignal<bool>::selectorIRQ signals from bus to master

AHB TLM Bus → RTL Slave

Files: ahb_tlmbus_rtlslave_transactor.{h,cpp}

The TLM Bus → RTL Slave transactor allows AHB RTL slaves to be connected to the SoCRocket AHBCTRL IP. Within the library it is used in several co-simulations of the MCTRL model.

Table 7 - AHB TLM Bus to RTL Slave transactor
Socket nameTypeDescription
ahbINamba_slave_socketBind to TLM AHBCTRL
ahbsisc_out<ahb_slv_in_type>RTL output signals from bus to slave
ahbsosc_in<ahb_slv_out_type_adapter>RTL input signals from slave to bus
hirqisignal<bool>::infieldIRQ signals from slave to bus
hirqosignals<bool>::selectorIRQ signals from bus to slave

AHB TLM Master → RTL Bus

Files: ahb_tlmmaster_rtlbus_transactor.{h,cpp}

The TLM Master → RTL Bus transactor allows SoCRocket AHB TLM masters to be connected to the GRLIB RTL AHBCTRL. Within the library it is used in all co-simulation testbenches of the AHBCTRL IP.

Table 8 - AHB TLM Master to RTL Bus transactor
Socket nameTypeDescription
ahbINamba_slave_socketBind to TLM master (e.g. mmu_cache)
snoopsignal<t_snoop>snoop Snooping broadcast bus → masters
ahb_mst_insc_in<ahb_mst_in_type>RTL input signals from bus to master (collected master outputs)
ahb_mst_outsc_out<ahb_mst_out_type_adapter>RTL output signals from master to bus
ahb_slv_insc_in<ahb_slv_in_type>RTL input signals from bus to master (collected slave outputs)
hirqisignal<bool>::infieldIRQ signals from bus to master
hirqosignal<bool>::selectorIRQ signals from master to bus

APB TLM Bus → RTL Slave

Files: apb_tlmbus_rtlslave_transactor.{h,cpp}

The APB TLM Bus → RTL Slave transactors allows GRLIB RTL APB slaves to be connected to the SoCRocket APBCTRL (AHB to APB bridge). Within the library it is used in various co-simulations of the MCTRL, the IRQMP and the GPTimer.

Table 9 - APB TLM Bus to RTL Slave transactor
Socket nameTypeDescription
apbINamba_slave_socketBind to TLM APBCTRL
apbisc_out<apb_slv_in_type>RTL output signals from bridge to slave
apbosc_in<apb_slv_out_type_adapter>RTL input signals from slave to bridge
pirqisignal<bool>::infieldIRQ signals from slave to bridge
pirqosignal<bool>::selectorIRQ signals from bridge to slave


Files: tlmcpu_rtlcache_transactor.{h,cpp}

The TLM CPU → RTL Cache transactor differs from the remaining transactors of the library. It does not aim for connecting models to the AMBA backbone interconnect, but is dedicated to the verification of the MMU_CACHE IP.

Table 10 - TLM CPU to RTL Cache transactor
Socket nameTypeDescription
iciosimple_target_socketBind to cpu instruction socket
dciosimple_target_socketBind to cpu data socket
icisc_out<icache_in_type>RTL output signals from cpu to icache
icosc_in<icache_out_type>RTL input signals from icache to cpu
dcisc_out<dcache_in_type>RTL output signals from cpu to dcache
dcosc_in<dcache_out_type>RTL input signals from dcache to cpu

The source code of all transactors is located in the ./adapters directory.


The compilation of transactors is integrated in the SoCRocket build system:

$ ./waf –target=rtladapters

In order to utilize a RTL transactor in a platform simulation add the rtladapters target to the use line of your build script (wscript).

Extending the library

The SoCRocket library can be easily extended, by creating own components. The existing simulation models provide examples for almost all possible combinations of bus interfaces:

Table 11 - Overview models/interfaces
ModelBus interfaces
leon issCPU instruction master, CPU data master, Interrupt slave
mmu_cacheAHB master, CPU instruction slave, CPU data slave, Interrupt master, Snooping input
ahbctrlAHB master (multi-socket), AHB slave (multi-socket), Snooping output
apbctrlAHB slave, APB master
ahbmemAHB slave
mctrlAHB slave, APB slave
socwireAHB master, Interrupt master
gptimerAPB slave, Interrupt master
irqmpAPB slave, Interrupt master (multi-socket), Interrupt slave (multi-socket)

To be integrated in the SoCRocket platform infrastructure, new models have to fulfill certain requirements. Most of them are encapsulated in a set of base classes. A detailed description of these base classes can be found in Library Base Classes.

AHB Masters: All AHB master components must inherit from class AHBMaster. AHBMaster is derived from class AHBDevice and template class <BASE>. <BASE> can be sc_module, which is the default case, or any other child of sc_module. AHBDevice provides the interface for identification of the device in the system. At start_of_simulation the AHBCTRL reads the configuration records of all connected AHBDevices (Masters and Slaves) for building up its internal routing table (PNP records). The actual master socket, all related functionality, and state machines are encapsulated in class AHBMaster iself.

The socket is defined as follows:

amba_master_socket<32> ahb

The socket can be accessed via a set of interface functions (see ./models/utils/ahbmaster.h). Use the following function for reading from the master socket:

void ahbread(uint32_t addr, unsigned char * data, uint32_t len);

For writing data to the socket use:

void ahbwrite(uint32_t addr, unsigned char * data, uint32_t len);

Other functions are available for using debug transport, activating bus locking, obtaining cacheability information, handing over additional delay, or retrieving a response pointer. The master can be configured for LT and AT abstraction via constructor parameter ambaLayer. At LT abstraction read-data can be obtained by evaluating the data pointer right after the interface returns control (blocking). At AT abstraction communication is non-blocking. This means, in a read operation the data pointer will usually not be valid right after return from the interface call. That’s why a callback function is provided for notifying the user about a valid response:

virtual void response_callback(tlm::tlm_generic_payload * trans) {};

The response_callback function is plain virtual and must be implemented by the user.

AHB Slaves: AHB slave components must inherit from class AHBSlave. AHBSlave is derived from class AHBDevice and template class <BASE>. <BASE> can be sc_module, which is the default case, or any other child of sc_module. AHBDevice provides the interface for identification of the device in the system. At start_of_simulation the AHBCTRL reads the configuration records of all connected AHBDevices (Masters and Slaves) for building up its internal routing table (PNP records). The actual slave socket, all related functionality, and state machines are encapsulated in class AHBSlave itself.

The socket is defined as follows:

amba_slave_socket<32> ahb

Communication with the user class is implemented using a callback function:

virtual uint32_t exec_func(tlm::tlm_generic_payload &gp, sc_time &delay, bool debug = false) = 0;

The slave can be configured for LT and AT abstraction via constructor parameter ambaLayer. At LT abstraction exec_func is directly called from b_transport, and at AT abstraction directly after receiving BEGIN_REQ. The user model is expected to load the delay pointer with a response delay value! The response delay is the number of wait-states required for delivering the data multiplied with clock cycle time.

APB Slaves: All APB slaves must inherit from class APBDevice. Similar to AHBDevice the conveyed information is used to set up the routing table of the APBCtrl (PNP records). A small guide for modeling registers can be found in section Memory mapped registers. To enable the connection of the clock, the module should also inherit from class CLKDevice.

class my_apbcomponent : public APBDevice, public CLKDevice

Note: Classes that inherit from gr_device must not inherit from sc_module!

CPU Master/Slave: Building a component that acts as a CPU or is directly connected to the CPU does not require any base class. However, the transactions generated by the CPU are supposed to carry certain payload extensions.

Instruction payload extensions: icio_payload_extension.h

Data payload extensions: dcio_payload_extension.h

Make sure to include the appropriate header/s in your design.

Interrupt Master/Slave: All models that send or receive interrupts must use the following macro:


For more information have a look at the SignalKit documentation.